
Rainbow Swirl

To borrow a photography term, we have hit the "golden hour" of summer in terms of popsicle consumption. School starts in under two weeks, and my normal nutritional restrictions for the boys are going the way of the summer pool pass and the water balloon fights.

Popsicles before breakfast? Why not!

Popsicles immediately before we leave for preschool so that you are covered from chin to knee with streaks of sticky syrup, like a walking human fly trap? Can't see a problem with that!

Popsicles ten minutes before bed? No different than a warm glass of milk, as far as I can see!

They're like 40 calories, they have some semblance of fruit or artificially fruit-flavored goodness, and they make my boys happy. We sit on the front stoop, talk about the world (mostly the worlds created in the mind of George Lucas, but why quibble) and savor those last fading moments of summer.

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