
My car goes/Chicago

Okay, so my mom's rental car does. These are from my trip last week to Chi-town with my mom and sister. It was back-to-school shopping the summer before ninth grade all over again. Fun times and girl fights, baby. Nothing like it.

These descriptions will be brief because I'm still in a sad mood about the cat.

I cheated and took this one in the reflection of the sculpture at Millinium Park. Pretty rad, no?

I liked the three yellow lights here. The green building on the left is the Carbide and Carbon Building on Michigan Ave, an art deco stunner that's now the Hard Rock Hotel, though we won't hold that against it. My new business website and logo are going to be slightly art deco themed so I was jazzed about this building.

This is a bus:

This is my mom shopping at Eileen Fisher on Michigan Avenue wearing some sort of shower cap mask that's a prerequisite for entering the dressing room, and in the foreground, a woman who was put on God's green earth for the sole purpose of working at Eileen Fisher and convincing my mother to buy a full-length khaki linen dress. I mean, look at the woman. She emits Eileen Fisher from her pores. What, your mom never shopped at Eileen Fisher? Nevermind.

We had to take at least one photo to show my dad what a good time she had in the big city:

Isn't she adorable? From what I gather, she has permanently "borrowed" that sweater from my sister, pictured here:

She's thinking, "Damn, I wish I had that polka dot sweater right about now."

Here's a picture from the same locale, but from a slightly different angle so as to crop out the sister:

We noticed there's a certain type of boy who lives in Chicago. And this is it:

Window shopping at a wig store in the neighborhood where my sister's friend, who's working on his doctorate in philosophy, lives. I let you in on that fact to add clarification and depth to the photo:

My mom was a very nervous city driver. Unreasonably nervous. There were many quick inhalations of breath through clenched teeth and utterances of "Jeeezzz!..." Note the furrowed brow:

This one's from the car driving at night. Not entirely in focus but I like it.

This is my favorite from the trip -- my mom reading in bed in the hotel, as seen in the reflection in the window:

Can you tell I like skyscrapers and skylines? The North Dakota girl in me still finds them exotic and romantic.

That's all she wrote.

p.s. The title is from a song my sister clued me in to by The Felice Brothers:
"My car goes/
Every weekend to pick up some cargo/
I think I know the bloody way by now, Frankie/
And turn the god damn radio down, thank you."

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