
The photos I'll never post

I taught the boys how to use our small digital camera. They loved it.

They took pictures of flowers. They took pictures of fall leaves. They took pictures of the cats. They took pictures of me putting laundry away. They took more pictures of the cats.

Then, when I was in the shower, they pulled down their pants and took what they called "weenie pictures."

Now they're on break from the camera.

And I feel like frickin' Mom of the Year.


I Heart Fall

Fall is far and away my favorite season, and every year I get photos of the boys romping in the leaves and generally epitomizing all that I love about this time of year.

We also keep the annual tradition my mom started when I was a kid of a fall caramel apple walk by the river. Unfortunately there was nary a caramel apple to be found in our town, so we had to go to the Wisconsin Dells fudge district, which is kind of like a red light district only with $7 caramel apples. I kid you not. On the bright side they weighed like 3 lbs each and two were enough for the whole family.

Some eye candy follows. Enjoy.


Apocalypse now

I've been driving by this sign for at least a year and ignoring its fiery plea. Recently I finally succumbed. Go ahead -- go to it. It'll blow your mind.