
Reagan Ruth

So I returned from vacation, and good lord, did I get a lot of crap for not updating my photo blog as of late. A) Can't a girl take a vacation? and B) Someone actually reads this thing?

I filled a 2 GB card with photos from the trip, everything from the boys tubing to my husband's 94-year-old grandma to the ND landscape to weird trucks-in-the-sideview-mirror shots. I'll stagger them throughout the coming week.

The first installment are some I'm really excited about: My longtime friend Christina's five-year-old daughter Reagan. It was especially fun because she looks so much like Christina did at that age, when I first met her at J. Nelson Kelly. And she has a little playhouse in her backyard, just like Christina did. And she was wearing Christina's completely '80s plastic heart bracelet. And she was sassy and hilarious, just like her mom.

As soon as Erik's able to I'll be putting up a gallery on my website of all the photos, but here are a few of my favorites:

Yeah, she's totally fake sleeping in that last shot -- you can tell by the super-scrunchy eyes -- but adorable, nontheless. Thanks, Christina!

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