
How to make the perfect pierogie

Starring my mother-in-law, Luella:


Only for the lucky and the strong

This is a partial role of vintage wallpaper I scored at St. Vinny's last week that smells like old lady house and was without a doubt used to plaster the walls of an old lady bathroom in, like, 1976. And I love it.

It didn't come across well in the photo but the background is actually a slightly metallic champagne color and the roses are red velvet, the full bloom ones being about six inches in diameter. It was $1. Can you imagine?

I like to make my own cards from images torn from old books so I was thinking I may use it for Christmas cards, or gift tags. I really want to spread the wealth on this one. Any suggested uses would be very much appreciated, friends.


The Uncooperative Patient

Over the weekend Eli had an awful stomach virus where he didn't keep anything down -- not a bite of applesauce, a slurp of Gatorade or a nibble of gingersnap -- for 24 hours. But he was so sweet, just resting and snuggling and saying, quite often as I waited on him and cleaned up after him, "You're a good Mama."

Now Jackie has come down with the same virus. He was up all night throwing up but by 5:30 he was ready to go downstairs and play. I had to hold him down in bed a couple of times. Then he got upset that I made him eat applesauce for breakfast, instead of getting Froot Loops like his brother. Then he threw up again, but it was like it re-energized him, and he collected all his "guys" and started playing on the floor. So I made him sit on the couch in the same "nest" of blankies I made for Eli, where he proceeded to grab his Indian figure and fire imaginary arrows at the cat (pictured).

Finally I put on Indiana Jones and he settled down a bit. The boys play together constantly and look alike and love the same things, so in my mind I sometimes group them together as one singular, brother-tastical unit. It's times like these when I realize just how different they are.